I’m lying face down in a shed as a woman pours honey on me. A skylight throws fading rays on to the massage table. I close my eyes and try to relax as the masseuse starts to pat me with sticky hands. The room smells like a sauna, with overtones of sweetness, and gently vibrates with the sound of tens of thousands of bees, at work on the other side of the wall.
It’s well known that bees are in crisis. Numbers are falling in the face of habitat loss, climate change and pesticides – a potential disaster for humans, given that one in three mouthfuls of our food is said to be dependent on pollination – and this initiative is aiming to raise awareness of all things apiarian.

I’m in this sticky situation as part of a four-day, bee-focused tour. Karl and Marija Vogrinčič offer api-wellness treatments in a shed built on to the back of their garden apiary in Pernice. There’s also a daybed above the hives for relaxing to the sound of the bees. I head there after my massage, my skin feeling like warm silk.

My tour continues at Kralov Med apiary (med means honey), in the village of Selo pri Bledu, near Lake Bled, with a lush mountain backdrop. A €4 ticket includes a “meet-and-greet” with the bees (Slovenes take pride in the gentleness of the indigenous Carniolan bee), a talk on beekeeping, and honey tasting. We sip honey liqueur, and learn about apitherapy, the medicinal use of bee products – pollen for vitamins, honey for insomnia, and beehive air for respiratory problems.

Even a city break to the capital, Ljubljana, can include a honey fix. There are around 30 beekeepers in the city, some open to visitors. Gorazd Trušnovec keeps bees on his balcony and in a community garden, and Franc Petrovčič of the Cankar Arts Centre started keeping bees on the theatre roof and gives jars of honey as gifts to the performers.
• The trip was provided by ApiRoutes (authentic-routes.com) and the Slovenian Tourist Board (slovenia.info). A four-day eco tour costs from €660pp, including half-board accommodation, guide and local transport, flights extra
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